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Drown Them Out! Noise Demonstration at the G-20 Press Conference

Drown Them Out! Noise Demonstration at the G-20 Press Conference

Thursday, October 13 at 1pm
Edward R. Murrow Park (H St. and 18th NW) 

On Thursday, October 13, after a day-and-a-half of backroom plotting and planning the G-20 finance ministers will emerge from their closed door meeting for a press conference where they’ll try to explain how continuing to rig the economy to benefit rich fossil fuel companies is going to somehow address the climate crisis. 

We’ve heard enough of their lies and excuses so we’re going to drown them out! 

Join us for a noise demonstration outside of the World Bank Headquarters to drown them out! Bring noise makers, megaphones, pots and pans, and air horns! We’re meeting at 1pm at Edward R Murrow Park so we can be ready to GET LOUD when the press conference starts at 1:45pm.

Sign up!

October 13

The People vs the IMF and World Bank

October 14

Another World is Possible! Disrupt the IMF & World Bank and Create the Future We Need